Travel brochures refer to brochures used by travel agencies and businesses where their content and format revolve around products and services, such as travel packages, luggage sales, compasses, etc. Its content is presented directly and with technical jargon. Professional brochures are used in industries such as business and school settings. Professional brochures are used by businesses and organizations used to promote their profession to readers who may be potential clients. 10 Types Of Brochure Professional Brochure Its contents consist of photos, texts, vectors, infographics, and logos. What Is a Brochure?Ī brochure refers to a foldable piece of paper that contains information about products, services, or an organization, which is given to their target audiences so that they can be informed about its contents with ease. This means companies can use brochures to advertise their work and entice readers to buy or get their products/services. A small magazine or book made of foldable paper that contains information about products and services.